Payment methods

For your convenience and better service, offers you the following payment methods:

  • Cash on delivery

    Via ELTA COURIER company

  • With bank deposit

    By deposit to the company's bank accounts.
    You can see them during the completion of your order as well as below in the relevant text.

  • With card

    Charged to your credit card.

Cash on delivery

Cash on delivery is offered through ELTA COURIER Company.
Also orders abroad are shipped with ELTA.

With bank deposit

You can choose the bank that makes it easier for you to deposit the amount of your order.
Your deposit, as justification, should have the following information, the order number you will receive upon completion of the order by email:
Once the deposit is cross-referenced with the order number and full name, then the order will be executed if you have selected bank deposit.
For the fastest execution of your order, you can contact us with the details of the deposit:

With card

The process of clearing your payment is undertaken by PIRAEUS bank, thus ensuring the absolute security of your transaction. When entering your card details, the bank does not charge the amount of your order, but blocks it. The charge is made when your order is billed.

For more information about the security of card payments in our store, you can read on our relevant Payment Security page.

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